This time of year, you don’t want to be caught off guard if your home became flooded either from a burst pipe or water backup. It could cause massive amounts of property damage in your basement, something that’s a pain to deal with in winter.
Thankfully, Amherst Alarm offers sump pump sensors to detect such an incident.
The Sump Pump sensor we offer is designed to attach to the pipes carrying water from your pump. There’s a lever which will rise when the water level gets too high. The sensor will be wired into your home security system. So if it ever goes off, our Monitoring Response Center will know and notify you that you have a high water condition.
Of course, your home can flood at any time of the year, so this shouldn’t just be a priority during the winter.
For more information about how to protect your home from flooding, give us a call at 716-632-4600.