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The Federal Communications Commission is changing the structure that callers need to follow to place
phone calls. In order to place local calls, you will now need to dial the area code, along with the number
that is normally dialed with seven digits.
Why the change?
The reason for the 10-digit dialing is the planned addition of a three-digit number, 988, that can be called
from anywhere in the country to reach the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. As a result, any area code
that use 988 prefixes in telephone numbers is mandated by the FCC to adopt 10-digit dialing. 716, 516,
607, 845, and 914 in New York State happen to be among those and are some of 82 area codes in 37
states across the nation where this change will take effect.
What will happen?
The change began on April 24, 2021. We have tested the new 10 digit dialing and find that currently either 10
digit or 7 digit dialing will work. But not for long.
Beginning October 2021, you must dial 10 digits (area code + telephone number) for all local calls. On and
after this date, local calls dialed with only seven digits may not be completed, and a recording will inform
you that your call cannot be completed as dialed. Thus, the call and your alarm signal will not get through
to our Monitoring Response Center if it dials only 7 digits.
What to do next?
Make a plan to upgrade your alarm system and communications. We have a great phone line alternative in
the Anet Secure communications. This can be added to many systems or can be part of Customer Loyalty
system upgrade. Contact our sales professionals to discuss.
Do not wait till fall to get this done! Make a plan today.