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This weekend, trick-or-treaters will be walking door-to-door to celebrate Halloween and get all the candy they can get. Whether you are locking up the doors and leaving a bowl out or handing out candy yourself, it is important to be cautious and keep these home security tips in mind:

  • Be sure to turn off any unnecessary alarms that trick-or-treaters or pets may trigger.
  • Stay up to date with doorbell security options – test your system before Sunday or if you don’t have one, check out our options here. Our doorbell cameras can sense a trick-or-treater before they even knock on the door!
  • Provide extra lighting for the kids to safely arrive at your door and avoid any decorations that could cause injury.
  • Make sure pumpkins or decorations have safe lighting options to avoid accidental fires from spreading. Now is a good time to test your fire alarm systems ahead of time.
  • If you plan on leaving the house for the night, possibly keep a few lights on and arm your burglar alarms to be safe.


For more home security and safety tips, check out our blog on AmherstAlarm.com